What's Wrong with the Melanated people Website is what's wrong with Melanated people:
- Narrowcasting rather than broadcasting means you are basically talking to yourselves; resulting only 11,000 Members
- Black people are so scared of White people that they feel they must serve the White monster that is killing them - by cowering in fear of it - for fear of being killed sooner;
- insecure Black people want to be accepted by White people so use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, because they feel that supporting White and Jewish businesses will help obtain them this illusory social acceptance;
- Black people have little to say about their own experience because they have, like White supremacists, chosen to pretend that what is actually happening to them isn't really happening to them and that the Lord will somehow provide;
- Melanated People does not use enough standard English to communicate; alienating potential followers in the way of foreign-language film with subtitles would. This is done to vainly disguise a certain lack of depth in the text. It's not that I do not understand what is being said, it's that I don't understand why you should use verbose and time-wasting slang to communicate with strangers who might not know the code. Is it because you are not really interested in actual communication? Or is it because you have nothing of substance to impart?
there is no chat section to the Website which could be used to discuss relevant issues. The best I've seen along these lines is Kialo;- the founder does not state, in clear English, what purposes the Website serves - in easy-to-read bullet-points; eg; safe-space for Black people; business promotion; discussing Black issues; promoting political causes; etc. People need a clearly-defined reason to take part in anything;
- the Website is not promoted enough and is not clearly shown to be a credible alternative for Black people to such Sites as Facebook;
- too much wishful-thinking; eg, good will prevail without effort, gloating over White decline, Kemet will rise again, astrology, Hotep bullshit, religious self-delusion, Christian bullshit, etc, and not enough positive call-to-arms regarding practical issues; eg, consistent application of cultural values, business ownership, local political involvement, buy Black, Black Empowerment, gun ownership, Wealth (not income) Matters, Education, self-employment, etc;
- charging for membership is problematic because other sites are free. This can only be justified if the content is much better.
Ultimately, Melanated People is a reflection of the disarray and disorganisation and disunity of its potential audience. Only with far greater effort from Users can this
Website be a beacon for Black people to reverse the declining and degraded state of Black culture worldwide.
African-Americans have the following problems, but MP rarely addresses them; preferring, instead, to wallow in self-pity, paranoid/schizophrenia, scapegoating & Afrocentric delusions of a vainglorious Egyptian past:
- 50% of children placed in Special Education are African-American;
- 1.5 million Black men are in prison;
- 47% of the penal population is African-American;
- 37% of all school suspensions are of Black children;
- Black people have the lowest life expectancy;
- Black people have the highest murder and cancer rates;
- 31% of African-American males aged 18-25 are unemployed.
The causes of the above are as follows:
- White Supremacy & Institutional Racism;
- Capital-intensive economic attitudes;
- Illegal drugs;
- Poor male socialisation;
- Doubles standards in child-rearing;
- Parental apathy;
- Low teacher expectations;
- Negative peer-pressure;
- Lack of positive role models.
This Black-American laziness and lack of self-discipline helps explain the Black wealth and income gaps (even when taking into account the genocidal nature of White supremacy), as well as why Black people around the rest of the world have little respect for African-Americans, because the latter have little respect for themselves.
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