Saturday 18 August 2012

White Affirmative Action

President Obama will always suffer from the fact that Whites are Institutionally-Racist. They still have such trouble coping – emotionally – with a non-White president, that they cannot allow him to point-out how mired in White supremacy Whites remain. White politicians can play the Race Card and remain popular, Black ones risk their careers.

Whites will always believe Affirmative Action is only for them, they will never be happy granting it to non-Whites since that would automatically mean Whites having to work harder for the unearned benefits granted them at birth by virtue of White supremacy.

White laziness is a strong motivating factor in White lives and is, paradoxically, the main reason Blacks can do so well in a White supremacist country. So long as Blacks realize their hard work will always be of greater quality and quantity than that of any White who still clings to a culture based on a fallacious racial hierarchy. In other words, Blacks know they have to work hard to succeed – they are under none of the illusions Whites are under about the relationship between hard work and success. Only Whites believe they do not have to work hard and that their skin pigmentation will see them through the travails of life.

An unsatisfied sense of perpetual entitlement to what one has not worked for is the basis of the White chip-on-the-shoulder that a White whiner like Abigail Fisher so clearly possesses. When Whites gain admission to university because they are White, none ever complain. But when Blacks do so, Whites complain - like the sons-of-bitches that they are - about how unfair race-based selection is. Whites are now coming to the painful realization that having made race a political and a cultural issue, their invented Race Card is now coming back to bite them on the arse.

Polls in the US (United States) have never shown that most Americans oppose Affirmative Action, they only show that Whites oppose it for non-Whites because Whites conflate it with reverse racism – something that does not actually exist anywhere on the Earth. Whites choose to believe – out of their fear and hatred of non-Whites & because they lack the imagination & wider life-experience to assume anything else – that Affirmative Action is based on quotas (ie, the “Affirmative Discrimination” practiced by Whites for hundreds of years), even though such quotas are illegal in the US. Or, that less well-qualified people obtain a goal over the better-qualified. Whites do this to distract themselves from the painful reality that US culture is based on two separate genocides – Native-Americans & Africans – when Reichs-Chancellor Hitler was content with only one: The Final Solution.

Copyright © 2012 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it in any format; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E-mail notification requested. All other rights reserved.

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