Monday, 4 February 2013

“Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?”:
And Other Conversations About Race


Cleverly-titled book that also looks at why White kids are sitting together in the cafeteria, as well, and for exactly the same reason - White supremacy.

This book unpacks the inherent racism of its title and tries to move beyond fear, anger and denial to a deep understanding of why there is so much silence in the Western world about political skin issues - apart from politically-correct gesturing. This is especially useful for those Whites, who refuse to listen to Black concerns about White racism as being nothing more than paranoid/schizophrenia - or the whining of spoiled children.

Essentially a clinical psychologist’s approach to the necessity for a racial identity in a White supremacist world, to act as a defensive bulwark against the inherent White is Beautiful nature of White culture. A self-fulfilling necessity for personal development in such an environment - as gender consciousness is to women in a sexist culture.

Oddly, White parents can become so embarrassed about discussing racism with their offspring that the issue becomes something akin to an erotophobe talking about sex or Superman holding a piece of kryptonite.

The author suggests that encouraging more diversity in formal education leads to more of the same culturally, but this is rather naïve. A little weak on substantive theory, but good on the research and personal experiences of all the witnesses involved.

Copyright © 2013 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it in any format; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog ( is included: E-mail notification requested. All other rights reserved.

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