David OYELOWO is aware that Whites are emotionally-retarded; eg, pedophilia, alcoholism, illegal-drug addiction, etc. Whites invented Political Correctness in a vain attempt to conceal this.
Whites can only see non-White actors in non-White specific stories since that allows Whites to emotionally-distance themselves from non-Whites, as people, in stories that are issue-driven rather than character-focused.
If a Person of Color is cast without regard to skin color, it forces Whites to address the very humanity Whites reject in such people. Dramatically, Whites would then be required to identify and emotionally-empathize with non-White characters when they cannot do this with non-White people in real life.
The White Guilt of knowing that all Whites benefit from White fear of non-Whites prevents Whites from facing-up to White supremacy by admitting People of Color are just as human as Whites. It is easier to assume that the feared deserve being feared - as the lower class deserve to be feared or rape-victims or Jews or Muslims, etc. This White assumption neatly attempts to evade guilt; yet has to take place continually despite this Guilt’s alleged non-existence.
When People of Color are cast in non-skin color specific roles (eg, Omar Sharif, Denzel Washington, etc) Whites simply pretend that the actor is not not White; eg, that inherent self-contradiction: I don’t see you as a Black person, I see you as a person
. (Yet, one would first have to notice the skin color of the person one is addressing before pretending one does not notice it!) This, rather than admit White resentment at not being invited to dramatically-identify with one of their own ethnic group.
As in real life, Whites hope to convince non-Whites to become chocolate-colored Whites (coconuts) to gain White Acceptance; ie, Tolerance & condescension, so that Whites can run away from their guilt feelings about their continual need to treat others badly, springing from their initial – irrevocable - choice to so do.