White Hypocrisy
The usual White supremacist claptrap:
- There is no such thing as “misplaced political correctness”, since all political correctness (PC) is a misplaced attempt by Whites to conceal White guilt;
- Whites never claimed the 50-year cover-up of Jimmy Savile’s pedophilia was the result of PC because he was White and enjoyed all the unfair advantages pertaining thereto;
- It would be better for Whites if their public institutions employed more People of Color (POC) who, with their greater cultural awareness, are better placed to intervene in such cases; alleviating Whites of the heavy burden of the guilt that persuades them to prefer not being thought-of as racist than act when a crime is committed - but that would mean employing more POC: Something Whites stubbornly refuse to do; &,
- Because most pedophiles are White, it is only right and proper that Whites be targeted more than any other ethnic group.
Copyright © 2015 Frank TALKER. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute it in any format; provided that mention of the author’s Weblog (http://whitespeak.blogspot.com) is included: E-mail notification requested. All other rights reserved.
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